10 easy steps to ensure a successful and stress free year-end
Another year has flown by and for those of you with a December year-end, it’s time to start wrapping up your financials and preparing for the year ahead! My gift to you this holiday season is the perfect checklist to streamline this process and to ensure that your financial records are submitted to your tax […]
Is your accounting solution LEAN?
Almost everyone has heard of the LEAN method. It’s a process used to create more effective businesses by eliminating wasteful practices and improving efficiency. It focuses on delivering what customers want and value and improves overall profitability. We’ve seen LEAN methods applied across the board and it is used most often in process improvement, development, […]
3 Common Pitfalls we see in Small Creative Firm Bookkeeping
Here’s the good news, most firm owners recognize the importance of financial management and have an accounting solution in place. The bad news, even with a solution in place firm owners are not always getting the best information and unfortunately, they don’t even know it! In my experience, there are three common pitfalls that we […]
The importance of financial infrastructure
You wouldn’t add a roof to your house without having a solid foundation and four walls. Why not? Because it would fall down. Building a business isn’t much different. You can have some success without building the proper infrastructure but you’ll have trouble scaling without first implementing a solid foundation. What’s a solid foundation? Things […]
Is your business controlling you?
This year, I’ve committed to taking the time to focus on my own professional development and reading has become an essential part of that journey. There are so many great resources out there for entrepreneurs and I’ve come to realize that no matter how experienced you are, you can always benefit from the advice of […]